How to Break a World of Warcraft Addiction

The definition of “addiction” is the state of being enslaved by something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming(such as narcotics or gambling), to such an extent that to discontinue the habit or practice can lead to severe trauma. In other words, you love something so much that you have developed a habit of using it or playing it to such an extent that not doing so leaves you feeling cranky or nervous, and you are becoming disinterested in other areas of life.

Some experts believe World of Warcraft can be “addictive”. Here’s a way to break your WoW “addiction.”
The definition of “addiction” is the state of being enslaved by something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming(such as narcotics or gambling), to such an extent that to discontinue the habit or practice can lead to severe trauma. In other words, you love something so much that you have developed a habit of using it or playing it to such an extent that not doing so leaves you feeling cranky or nervous, and you are becoming disinterested in other areas of life.

Some experts believe World of Warcraft can be “addictive”. Here’s a way to break your WoW “addiction.”
Burn yourself out by finding the ways to cheat at World of Warcraft. Find a private server to play on, with ultra fast leveling/gold. Cheating through the entire game in an hour will get you burnt out very, very quickly.
See the Matrix. Set up your own private server just for you, give yourself administrator rights and use them to explore the game. This will remove the fascination of the virtual world by showing you how it is all just a simulation with artificial rules. Returning to official WoW after having played around with admin rights might make you feel like running in a hamster wheel. You might feel like a fool spending hours of time for something that can also be done by simply typing “levelup 1”. (Maybe having read and understood these lines already made the whole private server thing obsolete for you.)
Schedule other activities with your free time, so you won’t have time to play WoW. One of the most effective way is to get a part time job and book every free time you have to work. Hang out with your friends, play basketball, engage in extra curricular activities at school (such as clubs or sport teams) or volunteer. The important thing is that they keep you outside of your home, away from your computer. You can find that there are many things that are just as exciting as playing WoW. Remember, your “guild” online is no substitute for the company of real friends. 

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