Wow Mists of Pandaria Brings 1 Million Subscribers

It’s been a bit of a slow year for MMOs all around. Even MMO powerhouse World of

Warcraft hasn’t been immune, losing over 1 million subscribers in the past three

months. Then again, the fact that WoW could lose what’s essentially the size of the

player base of most other MMOs without going into panic mode is a testament of its

Mists of Pandaria
And it looks like Blizzard has nothing to worry about in terms of player base. After

Mists of Pandaria, WoW’s latest expansion pack, released, it seems like Blizzard’s

managed to grab all of those subscriptions right back. Though Pandaria has only been

out for over a week, Blizzard’s managed to snatch up over 1 million subscriptions

during that time, putting WoW comfortably back over the 10 million subscribers mark.

The only concern now is how quickly veteran players, who re-subscribed only for the

new content, will burn through Mists of Pandaria. Will Blizzard manage to trot out

something new when the player base begins dropping out once again next year?

And it looks like Blizzard has nothing to worry about in terms of player base. After

Mists of Pandaria, WoW’s latest expansion pack, released, it seems like Blizzard’s

managed to grab all of those subscriptions right back. Though Pandaria has only been

out for over a week, Blizzard’s managed to snatch up over 1 million subscriptions

during that time, putting WoW comfortably back over the 10 million subscribers mark. 

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