How To Keep Healthy While Playing PoE Bestiary League

In Path of Exile, the Bestiary League has arrived. I believe many collectors of path of exile currency are very excited about this. So, there may be many players who spend their time on game. It is important for you to staying kinda healthy, because playing for 18-30+ is bad enough for our bodies on itself.

Path of Exile

1. Stretch every hour or two for a few seconds especially your hands (although minutes would be better, but I know you guys.) When you stretch take the moment to look out of your window, so your eyes don’t get too stressed by watching on a close target all the time.

2. Drink a lot of water. Try to avoid sugar or at least only every few hours (an orange juice every 4-6 hours works great or a coffee every 8). Although eat snacks which are well rounded and not too hard to digest. Fruits and Salads are awesome, but I have a little snack which my mother taught me, that is well rounded, healthy and easy to eat

3. You need: black bread, boiled eggs, 1 lemon, spring onions (the green part), dill, sprats, mayonnaise, garlic, if you want to rub your bread with it.

4. Just lightly roast the bread, after you cut it in snacklike pieces, put the mayonnaise on top lightly and add the sprats. Laying a slice of boiled egg on top followed by the cleaned and thinly cut spring onion+dill. The last layer is a extremely thin quarter peeled lemon slice.

5. You can make it a few hours before and store it in the fridge so you have a lot of food during your long gaming marathon, which tastes good, is refreshing and healthy.

I Hope the above tips will help you, let you enjoy the game at the same time also have a healthy body. If you do not want to lag behind others due to lack of orbs, you can buy chaos orbs on U4GM, that will save you a lot of time.

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