Do You Have Any Suggestions On Skill Reworks In PoE?

In Path of Exile, there are some interesting things that could be done in terms of “Reworking” skills, by the use of support gems. When you lack of poe currency, keeping an eye on poe currency trade. The following are some ideas that came to mind to me personally:

Path of Exile

Area Gem Rework: Split into 2 gems, Lesser and Greater.

  • Lesser AOE Support: Same as current version: No damage penalty or increase, only gives % Area.
  • Greater AOE Support: 30-20% Less Area Damage, base radius.

Everything Else

  • Knockback Support: Supported skills always knockback enemies. 50% increased knockback distance. (25-40%) increased damage.
  • Reverse Knockback Support: Supported skills have their knockback direction reversed. (50%) reduced knockback distance (20-30%) increased damage.
  • Brutality Support: Supported skills ignore all damage conversion. Cannot deal elemental damage. Cannot deal chaos damage. (30-40%) more damage. (this is a damage nerf compared to current, but most likely would need it.
  • Additional Accuracy Support: Gain +(75-1500) Accuracy. (10-25%) more damage.
  • Blind Support: Skills have a 100% chance to blind on hit. (10-20%) more damage.
  • Chance to flee support: Enemies hit by skills run away from the user. Supported skills deal (30-20)% reduced damage with hits. Fleeing enemies take 50% More damage from hits and Ailments (Note the interaction with bleeds more multiplier to moving enemies).
  • Mana leech support: Supported skills have 2% of damage leeched as mana. 5% to maximum mana leech rate. Casting a supported skill temporarily increases max mana by +(50-300) for 3 seconds (increased by duration).
  • Life leech support: Supported skills have 2% of damage leeched as life. 5% to maximum life leech rate. Casting a supported skill temporarily increases max life by +(50-300) for 3 seconds (increased by duration).
  • Onslaught Support: (25-44%) Chance to grat onslaught on support for 8 seconds. (10%) chance to double onslaught effectiveness when you gain onslaught. (This would make it actually useable in the end game on a main link).
  • Trap and mine damage support: Just remove the reduced throwing speed / mine laying speed.
  • Trap cooldown support: (20-40)% increased trap cooldown recovery speed. Increases and reductions to cast speed apply to trap cooldown recovery speed at 50% of its value.
  • Cast on Melee Kill Support: Supported melee skills trigger socketed spells on kill. Supported skills deal (20-40%) more spell damage.

New Skill Vaal Cast on Melee Kill Support: Supported melee skills trigger socketed spells on kill. Supported spells repeatedly cast every 5 seconds for up to 5 seconds (increased by duration). (30-50)% more damage.

  • Iron Grip Support: Strength’s damage bonus applies to projectile attacks made with supported skills. If iron grip would already apply external to supported skills, the bonus applies at 2x the original value.
  • Iron Will Support: Strength’s damage bonus applies to spells. If iron grip would already apply external to supported skills, the bonus applies at 2x the original value.
  • Ruthless support (Minimal but very impactful change): Hits that stun enemies apply ruthless’s damage bonus at 50% of its value.
  • Stun support: Supported skills have (30-49%) reduced stun threshold. BASE stun duration is doubled. Hits that stun enemies deal (20-30%) more damage.
  • Arcane Surge Support: Same thing except: If Arcane Surge’s Bonus was already applied external to supported skills, the bons applies at 2x the original value.

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